Monday, May 1, 2023


 We are trying a new product called Traqmatz. These rubber mats allow for the grass to grow up and through them. They help reduce compaction from carts and foot traffic. Compacted soils cause grass to thin and for weeds like Crabgrass and Goosegrass to take over.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Rough Aerification and Overseeding

 Today we started to core aerate the courtesy cut and rough out to approximately 20 feet. Additional areas and all Tall Fescue sod from the bunker project last year will also be aerified.

Aerification is followed by overseeding. Tall Fescue seed is dispersed using the greens topdresser as seen in the video. The courtesy cut is over seeded with Perennial Ryegrass and is completed using a walking rotary spreader.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Greens Aerification


Greens were aerified on Monday (3/20) and Tuesday (3/21) with 1/4” cores. The plugs were then broken up by dragging and brushing which reincorporates the greens soil mix into the holes and provides a layer of topdressing. 
After brushing, the greens were rolled to return them to playable conditions. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Dry-Ject Aeration

Dry-Ject aeration being completed on the 16th green.
A soil profiler showing the soil amendment injected into the green. This process uses water at high pressure to inject the Profile Porous Ceramic to the desired depth. The material will help with water and nutrient-holding capabilities. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

The Closing Stretch

A new bunker has been added to the left side of the 12th fairway.

This bunker has been added connecting the 8th and 17th fairways. 

The back tee on #9 was extended and this tee will be rebuilt by "shelling" the native soil out, adding drainage, and adding a sand/soil mix to improve drainage.

Frozen ground has been a problem with construction since the new year. Pictured here is the 9th tee which was supposed to be shelled out to 6" deep. Due to the frozen ground, soil blocks the size of boulders and over 1 foot thick were breaking out, causing the work to take more time. 


Monday, January 31, 2022

Work on #16

Despite the cold weather and frozen ground the last few weeks, the crew pushed through to lay 25,000 square feet of sod.

Bentgrass sod being laid, converting the old bunker into new fairway.

The crew works to lay tall fescue rough sod on the newly reshaped 16th green surround. 

A view from the right side of 16 green looking back towards the approach. 


Friday, December 10, 2021

Holes 4-7

An aerial view of the fifth hole shows that the approach has shrunk considerably, and the large approach bunker has been eliminated. 
The seventh green doesn’t look to have changed much, however, a large amount of cupping space was gained by softening the mounds that were on the front left and right of the green.
An aerial photo showing holes 3-7.
Work is currently taking place on the fourth hole. The right bunker was shrunk and a second bunker was added on the left side. 
A down hole view of the fifth.
The sixth will feel like a new hole. In order to increase safety on the course, two bunkers were added on the right side of 6 fairway. This forces play to the left and away from the fifth tee box.