Friday, September 30, 2016

The course is closed at this time.

Over 4.5" of rain fell, most of it in the last 12 hours. We will continue to check conditions to see if the greens will be playable for walkers today.

The benefits of riparian buffers

The plant material (riparian buffer) slows the flood water and protects the stream banks from erosion.

14 fairway flooded after 4.5" of rain.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

# 15 rough and cart request

The rough on hole 15 has been aerified and overseeded. Please keep carts on the path or in the fairway. As you approach the green all carts are directed to the path.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Goose control

3 lighted beacons were recently installed in the ponds on the course. The flashing light disturbs the sleep patterns of the geese and causes them to overnight elsewhere.

Monday, September 12, 2016

A Monarch butterfly feeding on Coreopsis in the new meadow to the right of 13.
A juvenile red tail hawk keeps watch near the halfway house. He was recently weaned from his mother.
The hard fescue grass is establishing well behind 14 green. This is the same grass we have to the right of # 2 tee.
Coreopsis lanceolata in full flower to the right of 13.
Topdressing greens resumes as the weather improves.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

PA. Dept. of Agriculture is grinding used pesticide containers. We recycle these plastic containers as part of our environmental program. We were able to keep 250 pounds of plastic out of the land fill so far this year.
Juan is hand watering dry spots on tees. It will take several weeks to bring this turf back.
The meadow to the right of hole #13 is showing some color. Here the Lanceleaf coreopsis  is in bloom. We expect many more flowers next year. The perimeter has been seeded with hard fescue to frame the flowers.